Survey reveals US women's top aging concerns, skin care gaps, and the rise of "tech neck"

Survey reveals US women s top aging concerns skin care gaps and the rise of tech neck

Aging is a significant source of stress for nearly half of American women, according to a new survey commissioned by skin care brand NEOSTRATA and conducted by Talker Research. The survey, which gathered responses from 2,000 US women (split evenly between Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, and Baby Boomer age demographics), sheds light on how women are dealing with aging concerns and their skin care routines.

Results show that younger generations, particularly Gen Z and millennials, are more stressed about getting older than their Gen X and baby boomer counterparts.

The study revealed that 56% of Gen Z women and 57% of millennials feel stressed about aging, compared to 46% of Gen X and only 31% of baby boomers. Both younger generations also report feeling older than their age, with 40% of Gen Z and 38% of millennials reporting they think this way.

Notably, 18% of Gen Z respondents believe they look older than they are, leading the pack in this perception.

Despite these concerns, over three-quarters (76%) of women surveyed indicated they are trying to “embrace aging with grace.” However, over half (54%) of women are still worried that others will notice visible signs of aging.

The first signs of aging—such as fine lines on the face (44%), forehead wrinkles (32%), and age spots (32%)—are commonly noticed by the age of 40. Additionally, 15% of women reported creases or lines appearing on their necks.

The skin care gap: Neglecting the neck

While a majority (70%) of women surveyed reported that they take their skin care routines seriously and 64% use between one and four products daily, the survey highlighted a surprising skin care gap: many women neglect their necks. Only 17% of respondents said they pay significant attention to caring for their necks, and less than a third (29%) use skin care products on their necks regularly.

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