Team Tactics: Blogging to Grow Your Team’s Business

In the modern age of social media forms and the storytelling that comes with them, blogging feels like a bit of an outdated form of marketing. This, however, is absolutely untrue.

Blogging is a lost art of marketing, with many ways to pursue it that can be tailored specifically to the face your real estate brand puts forward. Encouraging team members to blog on your team website will help grow your real estate business.

Why blog?

Blogging presents many benefits to your team’s business that have been pushed to the wayside as social technology advances. 

Firstly, it drives traffic to your team’s website. Your team’s website is a primary source of business growth. Even people learning about your team through social media will end up on your website to learn more and contact your teammates. Blogging on your team’s website—with strong SEO—will bring in new viewers who will then learn more about your business and end up contacting team members for their services.

Blogging can also contribute back into your team’s social media marketing. What your team members blog about can easily be translated into social media posts that link back to your website to again drive traffic. Plus, this will increase traffic on your team’s socials.

Client trust is also a big part of what blogging can give to your team’s business. A lot of marketing in real estate is centered around branding yourself as an expert in your field so that clients know they can trust your team. Blogging helps to prove your team members’ expertise in your field by demonstrating their knowledge of the industry and market in all its forms.

Getting started

While the term “blogging” often brings up a vision of something very niche like the MySpace era of online diaries, its scope extends even further. Blogging can range from very informal to professional vibes, but for growing your team’s business, you’ll want to lean on the more professional aspect.

Depending on how you’ve themed your team’s branding, you can focus your team members’ blogging in a few different ways. 

You can have team members lean on breaking down the news and trends for buyers and sellers to help them understand the market and be prepared for their endeavors (and reach out to you when they need a REALTOR®). 

You can also use your team’s blog to demonstrate your team members’ local expertise and brand your team as hyperlocal experts by discussing the real estate trends in your team’s area and being a local guide of sorts when it comes to local businesses and attractions.

Another effective use of blogs involves having team members post recommendations for selling, buying and owning—tips and tricks of the trade so to speak. This can range from home improvement, homecare/upkeep, decorating, negotiating, choosing an agent, what to look for in inspections and so much more.

Your team can pursue one path with their blogging efforts, or pursue a little bit of everything—whatever works best with your team’s brand to help you maximize your marketing.

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