Weather extremes point to big opportunities for climate-adaptive skin care

Weather extremes point to big opportunities for climate adaptive skin care

The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has been monitoring climate patterns for decades, having recorded a steep increase in global temperatures and weather extremes, particularly in the last decade. The NCEI’s most recent figures​ show that in June, global surface temperatures were 1.22°C (34.2°F) above the 20th-century average of 15.5°C (59.9°F), marking the 13th consecutive month of record-high global temperatures.

This pushes the planet perilously close to the 1.5°C (34.7°F) threshold for increased temperature, whereby CO2 emissions can no longer be rapidly reduced. NASA has noted that this rise in temperatures​ is already leading to a higher incidence of weather extremes, including very wet or dry weather conditions, which can lead to drought, flooding, and wildfires, resulting in heightened pollution. 

Weather extremes mean a greater need for skin protection

While the potentially catastrophic implications for the environment are hard to ignore, the reality is that increasing weather extremes are also spelling opportunities for skin care brands to help consumers protect their facial skin against this mounting problem.

A number of brands are pioneers in this space, including Pour Moi Skincare, Prada’s Augmented Skin range, and Ogee’s, all of which are designed to help consumers tackle the problem. Although each of these brands has taken quite different approaches to protecting their skin, they can all be said to take a climate-adaptive approach to meeting consumers’ skin care needs.

Pour Moi Skincare claims to be the first climate “smart skin care range” to hit the market. It uses GPS technology to help consumers adapt their routines to the specific conditions they might be facing, considering their geographic location and the season.

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